After a small break from flying I was back to work flying the circuits. The first attempt was cancelled due to a low cloud base of 900ft, too low-as when flying in the circuit at my flying school you need to be at 1200ft-easily clearing the terrain of the South Downs. I was hugely unlucky as the weather had been so good ( almost too good) up to then (when I wasnt flying) and the day I turn up-its dismall! Anyway, thats the challenge when flying in UK airspace and one we have to live with.
I found even after a four week break from flying how your flying skills can change. Needless to say I was a little rusty, one thing which was unplanned was flying into a cloud, in one moment my outside view turned into a grey, nothingness murk. It was easily corrected by descending to clear the cloud base-I found it fun and exciting but at the same time will avoid it in the future since i'm not qualified to fly through cloud, I need to remain in VMC or Visual Meteorological Conditions meaning in most cases I need to remain with the ground surface in sight.
Till next time Practice,practice,practice!