Thursday, 21 July 2011

Flying without flaps

Been making good progress with further solo flights, consolidating what I have learnt so far whilst building experience and flying hours. Flapless approaches result in a much shallower descent angle and require small power changes-because of the absence of flaps which create drag and steepen the descent path. Glide approaches are more or less the opposite-steep descent path when flap is selected and a might tighter circuit flown around the airfield. Its a brilliant exercise for practising judgement-when to cut the throttle, is the aiming point within gliding range? how will the wind affect the gliding range? which is an airspeed which will give you the greatest gliding distance available.

Up close and personal to a PC12 NG

A recent avaition exhibition held at Goodwood gave me the opportunity to nosey around some fabulous aircraft-perhaps the Rolls Royce's of turboprop business aircraft. I had the chance to hop on board the Beechcraft Kingair C90GTX, Beechcraft Bonanza G36 and a PC12 NG. I dont think my income would allow me to own one of those, but I certainly wouldnt mind flying any of them one as a commercial job!

The Reds making the usual 'impressive' visit