Farnborough Airport taken a few years ago during the airshow
Just a quick post, finished my second to last solo navigation flight today. Going to start planning my dual cross-country nav flight on friday. As mentioned in a previous post, this involves a 150nm (minimum) round trip to land away at two other airfields other than my home base at Goodwood. Flew towards between Whitchurch and Guildford today, with the aim of flying a MATZ (Military Air Traffic Zone) penetration. This is basically experience of flying through airspace which protects a military airfield, and you need permission to fly through it. On today's flight, permission was granted and so I flew within the Odiham MATZ under the watchful eye of Farnborough Radar, who do a great job on such a busy flying day. Even though it was a little hazy, there were some great views to be had, especially over Farnborough Airport with all the bizjets glinting in the sun. A few billion pound's worth of shiny metal down there that's for sure! Sadly I was too busy navigating to get a decent photograph! All in all a very productive day, not bad considering at first Goodwood was shrouded in sea fog and I thought it was another day of flying out the window! But that window of opportunity arose.