Sunday, 23 April 2017

1 month to go...

It's exactly one month today until I sit the first of the final six exams for Module 3. My lack of posting recently is a sure sign of the level of revision I'm undertaking! Lots of early mornings, late nights and revision crammed lunch breaks at work and many more to come! 

 I feel the revision is going fairly well, I've got a structure in place to follow over the weeks so it means that each subject gets an equal amount of  attention, I've structured it so that it will be a mix of exam questions, timed exams and re-reading the manuals. I've found that re-reading certain topics is highly beneficial as I've understood things better and been able to get my head around certain subjects areas once studying them a second time around. 

From what I've gathered from friends who have just completed Module 3, it certainly pays to gain a really good understanding into some subjects like Principles of Flight (PoF)  and Performance rather than just familiarising yourself with questions. I enjoy PoF and find the content interesting, but need to spend time practicing more and more exam questions. Mass and balance is quite systematic but again, I need to practice more and more as the time restraints will be a concern in the exam! 

Anyway till next time, thanks for reading