Hi everyone! I’m pleased to say that I’m still here and I endeavour to keep this blog, inplaneview going after a very long hiatus! It’s been nearly two years!!
Since my last post, I finished my hour building, moved house and commenced and completed my commercial flying training, so in a nutshell I am now a proud owner of a CPL! I couldn’t be happier to achieved this goal, one which I had been working towards for a very long time!
As I write, the global COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed chaos across the world, leaving the UK like many countries in lockdown! The country still managing to function thanks to all the hard work from all the key workers. Being at home, it has given me time to reflect on what I have done so far and time to resurrect this blog. The posts that will follow will take a little step backwards, ultimately picking up where I left off, documenting my journey from then to now...