A second opportunity to fly a simulator presented itself on Wednesday so naturally I was there like a shot. This time it was a 50 ton Boeing 737-300, part of the 737 'classic' family. Our group did a brilliant job, we spent half an hour each as Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM) the role of that job basically involves setting target speeds and headings in the Mode Control Panel, operating the flaps and landing gear etc. One guy in our group flew the aircraft as if his limbs were just and extension of the flying controls-holding the altitude and speed dead on. Amazing. He claimed he had never flown a simulator before...yeah right! I thoroughly enjoyed it, found the whole experience really beneficial, felt really privileged to be part of it, I am so extremely grateful to our organiser. The motion recreated by the six hydraulic legs of the sim pod is utterly incredible. The acceleration and deacceleration and four motions of flight is identical to the 'real' heavy metal that hauls us from A to B and you soon forget that in reality your still attached to terra firma by six hydraulic legs, not flying a circuit around Gatwick at 3000ft!
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