Thursday, 5 July 2012

Just waiting...

No sadly I'm not waiting for my pilot's license to drop through the letter box, just waiting for this unseasonable mess of unsettled weather to clear up! I shouldn't be surprised, it seems to be the norm these past British summers. Anyway, I  was meant to be taking my final skills test today, to qualify for my PPL. With heavy showers and scattered low cloud bases I decided it would not be suitable to fly for my skills test. It was incredibly tough to make a decision, especially when the weather was very marginal, and I was all 'psyched up' to fly! I felt pleased as I was commended by many people for making a wise decision.

However we used the time on the ground to complete the RT (Radio Telephony) Test. This involves following a fictional flight on a map, passing through various controlled airspaces, emergencies etc and myself acting as the pilot making the radio calls, whilst the examiner acts as the air traffic controller, communicating through headsets using a make-shift radio system.

I passed the test, I was a little frustrated with myself because I messed up alot, but a pass is a pass, so they say. Preparation is key. Lesson learnt-don't leave your revision notes at your examiners house and don't let nerves get the better of you!

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